Concrete Structures


Concrete is used as building materials in every countries. The universal nature of concrete construction stems from the wide availability of gravel, sand, cement, etc. Concrete structure is basically categorized into two main topics including Reinforced Concrete and Pre-Stressed Concrete. 

Video demonstrations about each subject are presented in this page.

Reinforced Concrete

Shear failure of a reinforced concrete beam with no shear links

This video demonstrates a four-point bending test on a concrete beam having no shear reinforcement.

Source: YouTube Video @ MaterialsLabOnline



Elastic Bending of an under reinforced concrete beam

The beam demonstrates elastic behavior, returning to its un-deflected position as the load is removed. The video demonstrates how a reinforced concrete beam can behave elastically provided the tension stress in the reinforcement does not exceed the yield stress of the steel.

Source: YouTube Video @ Materials Lab Online


Bending failure of an under reinforced concrete beam

The beam demonstrates ductile behavior as it is loaded to failure. The video demonstrates how controlling the quantity of steel reinforcement in the tension zone of a beam ensures a gradual ductile failure.

Source: YouTube Video @ Materials Lab Online


Bending failure of an over reinforced concrete beam

The beam demonstrates brittle behavior as it is loaded to failure. The video demonstrates how providing too much steel reinforcement in the tension zone of a beam will cause it to fail in a sudden brittle manner as the concrete fails in compression. 

Source: YouTube Video @ Materials Lab Online


Resisting Shear - Bare Essentials of Reinforced Concrete

This video demonstrates the importance of stirrups in resisting shear for reinforced concrete beam

Source: YouTube Video @ ThinkUp

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License


Reinforced concrete beam resisting bending

This video demonstrates the importance of rebars in resisting bending for reinforced concrete beam

Source: YouTube Video @ ThinkUp

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License


Bending Test of Steel Bar I Rebar bend-rebend test

The beam demonstrates the bending test of Steel Bar

Source: YouTube Video @ Dr. Chirag N. Patel 


Pre-Stressed Concrete

Where in The Beam Do The Prestressing Cables Go?

In this video he describes the principles behind prestressed concrete, its properties and applications and how engineers use the principle in structures. 

Source: YouTube Video @ ThinkUp

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License


Bending Failure of a Prestressed Concrete Beam

The beam demonstrates ductile behavior as it is loaded to failure. The video demonstrates how prestressing can be used to improve the stiffness properties of a reinforced concrete beam. It also shows how the beam behaves like an under-reinforced beam after the prestressing tendons have yielded.

Source: YouTube Video @ MaterialsLabOnline